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The Wife & I Discuss the Off Road Commode

Yesterday I happened upon this absolutely stellar, award-winning, high-class commercial in the Interweb Machine Thingy.

Doing what my wife hates the most, I immediately say, “honey, seriously, come watch this...”

As a side note, that is by far the worst phrase you could ever utter to my wife. She HATES when I ask her to watch videos. But then, nine times out of ten, she laughs her ass off. I know at the end of the day she’s writing in her diary: “…and then my sexy-ass husband showed me the most hilarious video and I almost peed myself watching it. God I love that man!”

Actually, it went a little bit more like this:

Wife: I don’t understand. You shit right behind your truck?

Me: Ummm…well yeah, I guess so.

Wife: That’s just stupid. Then it’s right next to your truck. And worse, it’s at the tailgate. What if you bag a deer? Then you’ll be stepping in your own shit while trying to put the deer carcass in your truck bed.

Me: Did you just say “tailgate,” “deer carcass” and “truck bed” to me? I want you so bad right now it’s ridiculous.

Wife: You’re a douche. Seriously, that is the dumbest damn thing I’ve ever seen.

Me: Maybe he dug a ditch, shat in it, covered it back up, and went back to ruthlessly killing innocent deer which he justifies by saying they’re overpopulated, which they really aren’t we’re just encroaching on their damn habitat.

Wife: Here we go again. Blah blah blah…nature…blah blah….save the animals…blah blah… Can you at least go pour me a bit more wine while you’re talking?

Me: Look, I was just trying to show you a funny-ass commercial that’s trying to pass off a trailer hitch toilet seat as a luxury item to rednecks that enjoy killing shit.

Wife: It’s hilarious. Can I leave now?

Me: I’m going to buy one for you for your birthday and make love to you on it.

Wife: OK, first, that’s just dumb. Second, you don’t have a trailer hitch. And third, if you did, you’d have to ask me how to hook the toilet seat up to it.

Me: That’s why I’m buying it for you and not me!!

Wife: That actually might be kinda sexy.

Me: Oh my God – are you serious? Cause I’ll order it right now. Actually, I’ll get on Craigslist and see if anyone close-by is selling them so I can pick it up now. Oh, and I need to buy a trailer hitch and find someone to weld it on…

I paused and realized while I was off on this wild goose chase, my wife had relocated her sexy-ass to the couch where she was drinking her wine and watching her show in peace.

It didn’t matter though, I’m still buying it…


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Reader Comments (4)

I am pretty darn sure 7 out of 8 of my neighbors have that . I am also sure they are the kind of guys that would totally loan you their truck complete with trailer hitch and red neck toilet it if meant you would get lucky- or - for a 6 pack of pabst blue ribbon... either way let me know.

June 24, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterThePeachy1

The best part about all of this is that you expect us to believe you don't already have one. Love that most things only hold up to 300 lbs. but this bad boy holds 500! That's a "shit ton" of white trash.

June 24, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLady of the House

I am sorry to say, I do know of someone who owns this. He is very proud of it. I once wrote a short book for an outdoor recreation class back at WCU..."10 ways to poop in the woods" We don't need no stinkin outdoor toilet thing. Hollow stump, bent sapling, big rocks...lazy ass rednecks! Now where can I get toilet paper with a the Dallas Cowboy star on it. I'll wipe to that!

June 24, 2010 | Unregistered Commentertherunningfarmer

Hahaha! You are such a desperado. Funny how both our posts today involve nasty stuff laying next to the vehicle.

June 26, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterLittleAnimation

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